All cases are unique. This website contains information on legal issues and is not a substitute for legal advice.
Client was charged, as a result of a car accident (without injuries- but with property damage), with careless driving, leaving the scene of an accident, failure to report an accident, and driving while suspended. She was looking at serious penalties including but not limited to points being assessed against her, more suspension time, and up to 10 days in jail. My client and I were able to pinpoint why her license was suspended and restored her license. We were also able to prove (via documentation) some of the weaknesses of the state’s evidence and show a major defect with the prosecutor’s overall ability to meet their burden of proof. My client and I were able to negotiate a deal with the prosecutor where my client would plead guilty to two lesser traffic offenses where she would have to pay a fine. The remaining traffic charges were dismissed.

Client (with a prior criminal record) was charged with third degree possession of CDS and possession of CDS with the intent to distribute and other associated charges, facing a possibility of up to five (5) years in state prison for each charge. After an extensive review of the state’s case against my client and discussion with the prosecutor regarding evidential issues, my client plead guilty to a lesser offense and sentenced to one (1) year probation the rest of the charges were dismissed.
Client (who had multiple felonies on his record) was facing multiple charges associated with allegedly being in possession of a firearm and being a certain person (who is not suppose to be in possession of a firearm due to his criminal record), which carried exposure to a lengthy state prison sentences of up to (10) ten years. Client, who was adamant about his complete innocence, declined the state’s final plea offer and elected to go to trial by jury. After a 5-day trial (not including an extensive jury selection process) my client was found not guilty and exonerated of all charges.

- Client (who had a prior criminal record) was facing up to 10 years in state prison due to a second-degree eluding charge and various associated hindering apprehension charges. After proving the lack of credible evidence and the presence of various defects with the two out of court identifications of my client (by way of a motion hearing with testimony) the court in its discretion threw out both identifications. Client was offered a reasonable plea deal and eventually plead guilty to a lesser offense which exposed him to no jail time.
- Client was charged 2nd Driving while intoxicated/Driving Under the influence charge, reckless driving and an assortment of other traffic offenses. Due to (2) two legal technicalities the DUI was dismissed and the client plead guilty to reckless driving and lost license for 30 days all other traffic matters were dismissed.
- Client (with no record & a veteran) was charged with Second Degree Aggravated Assault along with various weapons offenses and resisting arrest and who was facing 10+ years in prison decided to go to trial (by jury) to clear his name. After having a trial by jury (and a great cross-examination of the state’s primary witness) my client was found not guilty of every charge (except for a 4th degree resisting arrest charge). Client was ultimately sentenced to no jail but (1) one year (non-custodial probation) and qualified to have his record completely expunged after waiting the prerequisite time period.
- Client (with no record) was charged with Third Degree Possession of CDS and Possession of CDS with the Intent to Distribute and looking at exposure of state prison up to five (5) years each charge. After negotiations with the assistant prosecutor, client was admitted in the Pre-Trial Intervention Program for 3 years with conditions.
- Client, (with no record) charged with shoplifting and associated theft charges at a major retail company. She was facing jail exposure but also losing her job and custody of her child. After reviewing all video evidence (and lack thereof) as well as providing the state with certain documentation the state agreed to dismiss all charges.
- Juvenile client (no prior record) charged with assault. After reviewing evidence/ discovery, proofs showed my client was not the primary aggressor who initiated the incident but instead a mutual combatant. All charges were dismissed except one lesser charge. Client was given a deferred disposition (w/ conditions) by the court and the state did not object.